New ADS-260 Wireless Sensor End Node for Sigfox Network

CAS DataLoggers is pleased to introduce the new AERINOS ADS-260 wireless sensor end node from Infinite Informatics. The ADS-260 is designed to transmit data via the Sigfox IoT network
Roambee raises $15.2 million to track physical assets with AI

Sigfox on 2020: Three key areas for growth and democratization of IoT

Michelin tracks inter-continental sea-freight flows with an IoT-based solution developed with Sigfox France and Argon Consulting

Today, Michelin, Sigfox France and Argon Consulting announced the launch of a new disruptive solution for the tracking of sea-freight containers in real-time based on Sigfox’s technology and global network. Michelin, the world-leading tire manufacturer, has actively participated […]